25 March 2008

Taranaki Masters Results!

33 brave souls came out in the rain on Sunday 30th March for the XC MTB event as part of the Taranaki Masters Games. 11 of these entered on the day - what commitment! In spite of the rain and the tracks being slippery everyone appeared to enjoy themselves.

Thanks to all those who helped get the tracks ready in the weeks leading up to it, to those who helped set out the tapes etc and got them back in again plus Carl for organising it all and running the timing machine with precision.

The results are available to download :-

In the meantime here are some photos:

Louisa showing the style that got her to first place in the Expert 30-40 female grade.

Must have been the first lap as she isn't too muddy.

As this is what most looked like after 2 laps.

Brent cannot believe what he has just willingly done.

20 March 2008


The club is now an incorporated society. The Department of Economic Development has issued a certificate of incorporation.

The reasons for forming the club into an incorporated society were:
1. More able to obtain funds from charitable trusts etc for improving mtb infrastructure in Taranaki.
2. Able to have a formal agreement with NPDC re the management of Mangamahoe Forest recreational area.
3. Able to employ contractors more easily to undertake track building and maintenance work with funds raised.
4. Members will not be personally liable for the debts, contracts or other obligations of the society.
5. The society will continue as a separate legal entity even though it’s membership changes.
6. The society can lease, rent, buy or sell property under the society’s own name.
7. No member of the society can have personal rights or interest in any of the assets of the society.

The approved constitution can be downloaded from:


04 March 2008

Special General Meeting held on March 5th!

The special general meeting was held on Wednesday 5th March. There were sufficient club members there to view the draft constitution along get the 15 signatures required to complete the application to the Department of Economic Development.

A new management committee was also formed and the first committee meeting likely to be held in early April.