02 February 2008

Skills courses were held this March - Well done to all those who got along

New Plymouth Mountain Bikers Club in conjunction with the TSB Community Trust and Mountainbike Adventures ran two more MTB skills courses last weekend. The courses were on March 1st and 2nd 2008 at Lake Mangamahoe Mountain Bike Park, SH3, New Plymouth.

The courses were the Trailmaster #1 on Saturday for those who had done a Phundamentals course last year. The Phundamentals course on Sunday was for those who were new to skills courses.

These courses were bought to you with the assistance of the TSB Community Trust.

1 comment:

Wesley said...

Cool cycling site! I also have one about BMX.
This is the link: BMX Action - Video, News & Community
Maybe we can exchange links? Let me know...