29 November 2007

Updated MTB trail map for Mangamahoe

An updated map of the tracks has now been posted.

This has removed the area affected by logging and the bridal path that is currently being used by horse riders.

There have been some complaints to the NPDC re bike riders on the bridal trails, so best avoid.

The map can also be downloaded by clicking on the following link:


Best printed on a colour printer at this stage.


Anonymous said...

For some reason the Broswer gets stopped when tryin gto get this file, do you have to be a club member?? All i have is the shitty map from the council site which gets me lost everytime.


New Plymouth Mountain Bikers said...

Hi Chris,

No you dont have to be a club member, you should be able to download the PDF file from the link shown. The file is in a public folder so is available to anyone.

I have just been able to download the PDF file, so it maybe some setting in your browser that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Thanxz for the reply had to click save this link.
