10 January 2007

TET Masters Games 2007 had a XC event!

XC mountain biking was a late entry into the events calender for the Taranaki Electricity Trust Masters Games.

The games are an annual event for those generally aged over 30 that is organised by the committee of the Taranaki Masters Games who run the events throughout March 2007 with the aid of the participating sports organisations. The event is fortunate to have the support of the Taranaki Electricity Trust whose financial assistance ensures the games are possible. The headquarters for the Games will be the TET Multisports Centre, Portia Street, Stratford. Event website:

Date for the XC event was Sunday 25 March 2007. See above for the race report.

Track reclaiming work continues at Mangamahoe Forest MTB park

Track reclaiming work has continued in the Lake Mangamahoe forest using the gear purchased with a grant from Ground Effect Clothing. The XC track that was in the area between the clay hill and Plantation Road (ex SH3) at the south end of the forest is in the process of being re-opened and re-developed.

The trees in the area closest to the lake have been pruned by contractors and the newly cut tracks had a lot of the pruned branches across them but these have now been cleared. Also the grass and blackberry has been growing back on the new tracks but this is being trimmed back during January also. However, if you are in the area, it would be great if you could spend a short time with a grubber or a weed-eater and do some blackberry clearing and grass cutting.

More track reclaiming work has taken place south of the water intake access road that leads down to the river. This work will continue in January taking advantage of the hopefully better weather. The committee are investigating funding the hire of rotary hoes or tillers to turn over the top centimetres of the cleared tracks to permit more effective grooming and shaping of the tracks.

Once a reasonable section of gorse and blackberry have been cleared and turned over, we will send out a call for help in grooming the paths – so watch out for announcements on this and the Vorb website and we will send out emails calling for assistance to those on the club’s email database.

January 2007 Newsletter

Here is the link to either view or download the last club newsletter (right click on link and do a "Save Target As") :


Have a look, this is a typical newsletter that is provided for paid up club members. The next newsletter will be coming out shortly in mid April.

A membership application form is part of the first page of the newsletter but you can download a specific membership application form - see below in the contact details for the club.

09 January 2007

New web site for New Plymouth Mountain Bikers club!!

Here is the first post for the new site for the New Plymouth Mountain Bikers club.

This is a blog site, so you can add your comments as feed-back as you see fit.

New Plymouth Mountain Bikers
PO Box 139
New Plymouth 4340
New Zealand
President = Paul Hudson - Ph 06 752 7147
Club Captain = Graeme Lindup - Ph 06 757 2062
Treasurer = Lian Brownson - Ph 06 751 3534

Download the club membership application form (right click on link and do a "Save Target As") :


And get it in to become a member!