26 January 2010

Event: Women's Mountain Bike Skills Ride

Women headed out to Lake Mangamahoe on 6th February for a confidence and skills building women-only workshop designed for and run by women.

The ride leaders, Jenn and Sandra took the crew for an afternoon ride on the cross country trails at Mangamahoe mountain bike park.

The ride finished with a free BBQ around 4 pm. Hope to get some photos up soon.

Part of the Wild West Bike Fest events, proudly presented by New Plymouth Mountain Bikers.

Wild West Bike Fest Event - The Night Ride, Colson Rd

The first event the club as part of the WWBF was a night ride at Colson Rd on Tuesday 2nd February. 10 turned up to try their lights and skills in the forest.

Come along for a repeat on the 18th, dig out your lights and meet at the entrance to the Colson Rd forest at the end of Colson Road in time for a 8.30 pm start.

The whole programme for the festival can be downloaded from this link:

Wild West Bike Fest programme

13 January 2010

Track mapping crew formed

The club has been donated a GPS unit:

We have a team of 4 who will learning how to use the 60CSx and subsequently keep updating the MTB track data used to create the trail maps. Thanks to those who have come forward.

These maps are the ones that all can download - there are a lot of new tracks being developed and we are having trouble keeping our maps up to date.
Look for some updated maps soon!