22 October 2007

July newsletter now available online

Here is the link to either view or download the last club newsletter (right click on link and do a "Save Target As") :


Have a look, this is a typical newsletter that is provided for paid up club members.

The next newsletter will be coming out shortly in early November. A membership application form is part of the first page of the newsletter but you can download a specific membership application form - see below in the contact details for the club.

Logging started at Managamahoe - Some tracks and access affected

The logging contractors for the New Plymouth District Council have started to log the northern area of the MTB part of the Mangamahoe Forest.

The attached map has the affected area coloured orange. Two of the tracks leading to the north have been trashed by the logging operations. These tracks have been taped off at their start.

The main gravel road out to the back is what the trucks are using to get to the skid site to be loaded. So when the main gate is open there will be logging traffic on it that is not expecting members of the public to using the road.

There are signs at the main gate, on the gravel road and within the Dress Circle/Samurai Set area of the track network.

Will try and find out from the NPDC when the operations will be completed and let you all know.